5 research outputs found

    Pengujian Tabung Kolimator Pesawat Sinar-X Merk Toshiba Type E2739 di Laboratorium Radiologi Universitas Baiturrahmah Padang

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    Telah dilakukan pengujian tabung kolimasi pesawat sinar-X konvensional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui iluminensi lampu kolimator dan kesamaan berkas cahaya kolimasi pada pesawat tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium radiologi jurusan DIII Radiologi Universitas Baiturrahmah. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kuantitatif experimental dengan langsung meneliti  ke lapangan. Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Lux Meter, Collimator Alignment Test Tool dan Beam Alignment Test Tool, dengan menggunakan Focus Film Distace (FFD) 100 cm. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian untuk uji iluminensi lampu kolimator adalah 124,75 lux masih berada dalam batas toleransi yaitu lebih dari 100 lux pada jarak 1 meter dan untuk hasil uji kesamaan berkas cahaya kolimasi adalah berupa penyimpangan sebesar ΔX sebesar 1 cm dan ΔY sebesar 1,3 cm dan deviasi sebesar 1,5 derajat. Nilai ini masih berada dalam rentang toleransi pengukuran NCRP (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements) yaitu ΔX dan ΔY ≤ 2% FFD dan deviasi ≤ 30. Dengan demikian pengujian terhadap tabung kolimasi pesawat sinar-X konvensional ini telah sesuai standar KEPMENKES No.1250/MENKES/SK/XII/2009 tentang Pedoman Kendali Mutu (Quality Assurance) Peralatan Radiodiagnostik.Kata kunci: pesawat sinar-X Toshiba type E2739, uji iluminensi, uji kesamaan berkas kolimasi

    Uji Efektifitas Dinding Ruangan Panoramik Instalasi Radiologi RSUD Prof. Dr. MA Hanafiah SM Batusangkar Menggunakan TLD-100

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    Research on the effectiveness of panoramic room walls has been carried out in the Radiology Installation of Prof. Dr. MA Hanafiah SM Batusangkar. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the panoramic room walls in absorbing radiation emitted by panoramic aircraft, as well as knowing the safety level of the room around the panoramic inspection room in accordance with the dose limit values of workers and the general public. This type of research is a quantitative research by taking direct measurements. The research was conducted by measuring the radiation dose at six points of the panoramic room wall using a radiation measuring instrument, namely TLD-100. The results showed that the effectiveness of the walls was only able to absorb radiation less than 90%, with the shield category on the walls that was not good enough to withstand radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to renovate the panoramic room walls in accordance with safety standards

    Uji Efektifitas Dinding Ruangan Panoramik Instalasi Radiologi RSUD Prof. Dr. MA Hanafiah SM Batusangkar Menggunakan TLD-100

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    Research on the effectiveness of panoramic room walls has been carried out in the Radiology Installation of Prof. Dr. MA Hanafiah SM Batusangkar. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the panoramic room walls in absorbing radiation emitted by panoramic aircraft, as well as knowing the safety level of the room around the panoramic inspection room in accordance with the dose limit values of workers and the general public. This type of research is a quantitative research by taking direct measurements. The research was conducted by measuring the radiation dose at six points of the panoramic room wall using a radiation measuring instrument, namely TLD-100. The results showed that the effectiveness of the walls was only able to absorb radiation less than 90%, with the shield category on the walls that was not good enough to withstand radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to renovate the panoramic room walls in accordance with safety standards

    Pengujian Kebocoran Apron Tahun 2019

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    Background: Based on observations made by researchers found incorrect apron storage. According to Permenkes No. 1250 of 2009, storage and placement of Pb aprons may not be folded and may not be hung. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not there are leaks in the apron.Method: Types of quantitative research approaches with experimental approaches. This research was conducted at the radiology installation. The testing is done by giving x-ray exposures on the surface of the apron. Based on the results of the exposure, the extent of the leak is in the apron. The measurement results will be compared with the theory Lambert 2001.Results: According to Lambert, apron leakage is still acceptable if the critical area is less than 15 mm2 and if the non-critical area is less than 670 mm2. The results showed that of the 15 aprons studied three aprons leaked, namely apron 4, apron 7, and apron 13 with each leakage area being 562.84 mm2, 312,174 mm2, 14,304 mm2 71,818 mm2.Conclusion: The total number of tested was 15 aprons, 3 aprons leaked and there was 1 apron which had no leakage. Leakage is caused by often placing an apron on the back of a chair, hanging an apron on a hanger, dropping an apron on the floor, and folding an apron on an examination table. Apron storage should be placed on a special rack in a horizontal position so as not to cause indentations or fractures on the lead